CAZ Stories: A Threefold Improvement in Indoor Air Quality at Pace Performance!


nafas Indonesia





English / Indonesia

CAZ Stories is a series of articles that spotlight the significant impact of Clean Air Zones on diagnosing and improving indoor air quality issues for businesses in Indonesia. For more insights, read our previous CAZ Stories:

  1. Improving indoor air quality at Mighty Minds Preschool by 89.5%
  2. Reducing Indoor Pollution by 70% at AC Ventures Office

Air pollution in Jakarta has been a long-standing problem. In 2022, Jakarta's outdoor air quality presented a grim picture: the annual average PM2.5 concentration was a staggering 37 µg/m3, pr seven times higher than the annual WHO's recommended limit of 5 µg/m3.

WHO categorized Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5) as especially hazardous due to its minute size, which allows it to penetrate deep into our lungs. While PM2.5 poses a risk to everyone, sensitive groups like children under 5 and adults over 60 are particularly vulnerable.

A recent article by Nafas, "Our Buildings Make Us Sick," stressed that air pollution isn't solely an outdoor concern—it compromises indoor air quality as well. Businesses, including gyms and fitness centers, are not exempt from this issue.

Health Impacts of PM2.5 During Exercise

According to a study by Seoul National University involving individuals aged 20-35 over a decade, those who exercised in areas with PM2.5 levels above 26 µg/m3 had a 33% higher risk of developing heart diseases compared to those who didn’t exercise at all.

Unfortunately, the air quality in Jakarta is generally unhealthy for both sensitive groups and the general population, making it inadvisable to exercise outdoors when pollution levels are high.

Nafas teamed up with Pace Performance, a leading fitness center in Jakarta, to enhance indoor air quality, aiming to provide a healthier environment for patrons and staff alike.

The Problem: Unhealthy Air Inside Pace Performance

Utilizing cloud-connected air quality monitors, Nafas captured comprehensive data on PM2.5, CO2, temperature, and humidity levels inside the gym. Alarmingly, our initial tests showed that the indoor air quality was nearly as compromised as the air outdoors.

To grasp the scope of the problem at hand, we initially examined areas that were not designated as Clean Air Zones. As depicted in the accompanying graph, the indoor air quality, indicated by the pink line, often increases above the 26 µg/m3 threshold recommended by a study from Seoul National University.

Our monitoring found that the indoor PM2.5 levels were often above the 26 µg/m3 threshold, as per Seoul National University's guidelines.

Pace Performance's initial AirScore was a 'C', indicating immediate action was needed due to inefficient air filtration systems.

The Solution: Transforming Pace Performance Into a Clean Air Zone

To combat the indoor pollution problem, Nafas introduced its Clean Air Zone program, which offers a turnkey solution for monitoring, filtration, and certification. Pace Performance was designated a Clean Air Zone, and the air quality improved significantly.

By designating the gym as a Clean Air Zone, the air quality significantly improved, creating a healthier environment for both employees and members. Best of all, the entire process is automated, requiring no extra managerial effort and any upfront costs!

The Result: A Breath of Clean Air

After the implementation, Pace Performance's air quality during operational hours fell below 12 µg/m3, three times better than the outdoor.

The air quality consistently earned a 'Good' rating over a month, and Pace Performance's AirScore improved from 'C' to 'A.'

Monthly Air Quality Report

Through the data-driven Clean Air Zone program, Pace Performance receives monthly reports that document ongoing air quality metrics. This information is invaluable to stakeholders including gym-goers, staff, and owners.

Below is an example of the report which Pace Performance regularly receives.

 ✅ To learn more about the Clean Air Zone, please email us at [email protected] or click below to sign up for a free AirScore diagnosis!