Do you want to know what you are breathing?
Air quality in Jakarta is not the best, which is why we have deployed 100+ sensors to help you monitor the state of outdoor air.
Our Mission
Our mission is simple - people need to be aware of the air they breathe, and the impact that the quality of air has on their health and their life.
There are many different types of particles in the air, some are natural but many are produced by us. By our factories, our vehicles, our power sources, burning land and even burning trash. We can’t see them because they are very small, microscopic even, but we breathe millions of them in every day. Nafas was created to help us all become more aware of what we put into our lungs, and to help people reduce their exposure to hazardous air quality.

PM2.5 and Health
PM2.5 and Health
Over the last 20 years, there have been many research studies highlighting the impact of PM2.5 on human health. The bad news is, it affects every single one of us - the health issues that arise from PM2.5 exposure span from the womb all the way through. The good news is, now more than ever we can have control over our exposure to PM2.5 because we have access to air quality data. Like knowing to bring an umbrella for a rainy day, we can equip ourselves with the knowledge of how to manage our exposure.
Learn more about other health impacts on our blog.
Our Sensing Technology
Our Sensing Technology
To install our proprietary sensor network we have partnered with Airly, an award-winning air quality sensing company from Europe. Each Airly sensor is specifically designed to be outdoors, and built to withstand the elements - even temperatures up to 60° C!
Each sensor is installed and calibrated by our professionals, and closely monitored with local reference stations to maintain the highest level of accuracy.
We currently operate the largest air quality sensor network in Jabodetabek, and we built it so that we can all keep track of what we are breathing.
Sensor Data are sponsored by
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