Many Residential Areas, is Serpong Pollution-free?


Kezia Grace





English / Indonesia


  • Throughout June 2023, residents of Serpong were breathing air of unhealthy average quality.
  • The poor air quality in Serpong in June is equivalent to smoking 395 cigarettes in one month.
  • The high level of air pollution in Serpong persists due to hyperlocal sources of pollution in the area, such as waste burning activities.

Many were quite surprised to learn that Serpong has become the most polluted area in the Nafas sensor network. After all, people still believe that pollution levels in DKI Jakarta are higher than those in South Tangerang. But the facts speak otherwise. Air quality data from January to June 2023 shows that pollution levels in Serpong consistently surpass Jakarta from the beginning.

For those of you who are curious and wondering why Serpong, which is predominantly a residential area, has high pollution levels, let's delve deeper into the air quality in Serpong!

How high is the air pollution in Serpong?

Throughout June 2023, residents of Serpong were breathing air of unhealthy average quality. It even reached the Very Unhealthy category several times, with PM2.5 reaching 209 µg/m3, which is 42 times higher than the WHO's annual exposure limit (5 ug/m3) on June 21, 2023, at 11:00 PM.

Many might wonder why, as we approach midnight when the mobility of residents significantly decreases, the pollution levels remain high.

The concentration of PM2.5 above 200 µg/m3 did not occur only once. Three days earlier, on June 18, 2023, at 01:00 AM, PM2.5 in Serpong also surged to 205 µg/m3.

When is the peak time for pollution in Serpong?

From the diurnal data of June 2023, it can be seen that almost every hour in Serpong, the air quality is unhealthy. The worst air pollution occurs during the night until late morning. So, it is practically challenging to find a time with outdoor air quality that is suitable for prolonged inhalation.

The pollution level slightly decreases between 12:00 PM and 5:00 PM, but even then, PM2.5 ranges from 50-54 µg/m3, which is 10 times higher than the WHO's annual exposure limit.

The poor air quality in Serpong in June is equivalent to smoking 395 cigarettes in one month! 😱 This is undoubtedly concerning because it means that all residents living in Serpong are essentially smoking just by breathing.

So, what causes the high level of air pollution in Serpong? Considering its numerous residential areas, it is likely due to hyperlocal sources of pollution in the area, such as waste burning activities.

Serpong residents should be cautious! ☝️

For residents who belong to sensitive groups (elderly, asthma and allergy sufferers, and children), it is advisable to be cautious when engaging in outdoor activities. It is highly recommended to regularly check the air quality before leaving home because air pollution easily triggers respiratory diseases.

Based on a joint study by Nafas and a local telemedicine company in Jabodetabek from June to August 2022, the number of asthma-related consultations doubled within 10-17 hours when PM2.5 was in the Unhealthy category for Sensitive Groups.

We cannot completely avoid air pollution, but we can take steps to reduce exposure, such as:

  • Download the Nafas application and regularly check the air quality.
  • Set important locations as favorites for easier checking.
  • Wear a mask when going outside (preferably a respirator type like N95).
  • During high pollution, it is better to stay at home.
  • Follow other Nafas recommendations, such as closing ventilation and using an air purifier with a HEPA filter to help clean the air.

✅ Serpong residents, take care of your health and always check the air quality!