Nafas AQ Championship 2022 Round of 16: Find out who goes to next round!


Kezia Grace





English / Indonesia

To join the football euphoria that is celebrated by millions of citizen around world, nafas decided to make our own championship. That’s why this year, Nafas presented Air Quality Championship 2022, which will involved 16 regions in Indonesia, from Jabodetabek area, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Malang, Surabaya, and Bali.

Location with the highest level of PM2.5 will win and continue to the next round!

Now let’s start with the first match!

South Tangerang vs. South Jakarta

First thing first, who is in for this competition? We’ve got a lot of area in both regions with total of 49 areas that will be observed. South Tangerang seems promising to have better air quality since there only 13 area in that region will be evaluated, compared to South Jakarta, which has 36 areas that will be evaluated, but it turns out that South Tangerang’s air quality is worse than South Jakarta.

As we can see, Serpong (South Tangerang) concentration of PM2.5 is 65 µg/m³ which is equivalent to 93 cigarettes’s smoke, making it the top scorer so far, while Kebayoran Baru (South Jakarta) has the lowest concentration, which is 34 µg/m³.

For daily activities, Serpong is the area which has the highest concentration of PM2.5, the number is 115 µg/m³, and you won’t have a courage to go around Bintaro area at 6 PM, since the concentration of PM2.5 is really hazardous for our health, which is 194 µg/m³. This horrible air quality makes South Tangerang won over South Jakarta.

FULL TIME: Congratulations, South Tangerang for winning this match! 🏆

Bogor vs. Malang

We have a competition among Java Island here. We have Bogor and Malang regions to be observed, with total of areas are 15 areas from both regions. Now, we can finally see a match between the “city of rain” and “city of flowers”. This match seems very intense, because we’d say that it is hard to predict between these two region, we have 10 areas from Bogor, and 5 areas from Malang. But, it turns out to be an easy win for Bogor! Well, we’d see that Gunung Sindur area from Bogor contributed the most for the win. Gunung Sindur (Bogor) concentration of PM2.5 is 61 µg/m³ which is equivalent to 86 cigarettes being smoked! While Bandulan (Malang) has the lowest concentration, which is 22 µg/m³. Both number shows that Gunung Sindur’s concentration of PM2.5 is approximately 3 times higher than Bandulan’s concentration. Shocking, isn’t it?

Caution! People who lived in Gunung Sindur and Ciangsana area must be aware because the concentration of PM2.5 in both areas is unhealthy, the concentration in Gunung Sindur at 31st of August 2022 is around 100 µg/m³, while at the same date, Ciangsana’s concentration is around 85 µg/m³.

What if you only stayed in Gunung Sindur for hours? Do you think it will be safe? It turns out that around 7 PM at 30th of August 2022, the concentration of PM2.5 in that area reached 185 µg/m³, it means that the air quality in Gunung Sindur is very unhealthy.

FULL TIME: Congratulations, Bogor for winning this match! 🏆

Bekasi vs. North Jakarta

Tight competition between Bekasi and North Jakarta made it difficult to predict the one who will continue the journey to the quarterfinals. We have 24 areas that will be observed in both regions. There are 13 areas from North Jakarta, and 11 areas from Bekasi. And yet we found the top scorer, all around from Bekasi, with Tambun Selatan, Cikarang Selatan, Mekarsari, Jatiwaringin, and Tarumajaya to lead the top 5 areas with the worst concentration of PM2.5. We have Tambun Selatan with 58 µg/m³.

While the fair play is being dominated by North Jakarta, with Pluit, Ancol Barat, Pantai Indah Kapuk, Sunter Jaya, and Tanjung Priok. Thus, the air quality in there is not as high as Bekasi, but it is still unhealthy for sensitive groups. Area with the lowest concentration of PM2.5 is at Pluit (North Jakarta) with its concentration was around 35 µg/m³.

Tarumajaya, Perwira, Tambun Selatan, and Harapan Indah have the worst concentration of PM2.5 at 31st of August 2022, the highest is at Tarumajaya, Bekasi with 93 µg/m³. But in terms of hour, Kelapa Gading Barat, North Jakarta on 7 PM, 07th of August 2020 had the worst concentration of PM2.5, it even reached 197 µg/m³ which is very unhealthy for health.

FULL TIME: Congratulations, Bekasi for winning this match! 🏆

Bandung vs. Surabaya

The next match we have here is between Bandung and Surabaya, Bandung which is famous for its cool breeze, and Surabaya for its hot weather. Well, in this match, we have 23 areas that will be observed in both regions. There are 9 areas from Bandung, and 14 areas from Surabaya. And the top scorers are Kertamulya, Karangmekar, Lagadar, Ciroyom from Bandung, and last Driyoerejo from Surabaya. Kertamulya and Kerangmekar have PM2.5 concentration which are categorized as unhealthy areas because their concentrations are around 58 and 57 µg/m³, while the rest are categorized as unhealthy for sensitive groups.

On the other way around, Surabaya, with Jemur Wonosari, Beratajaya, Kertajaya, Krembangan Selatan, and Lontar are the fair plays areas, with the lowest concentration of PM2.5 is located at Jemur Wonosari with 25 µg/m³. These five fair play areas are categorized as moderate, where sensitive groups are suggested to not to do their activities outdoor.

2nd of August 2022 at Ciroyom, Bandung is when the concentration of PM2.5 reached 97 µg/m³, which categorized as unhealthy, and at 8 PM, the concentration was really high, it even reached 190 µg/m³, which is categorized as very unhealthy, where sensitive groups are restricted to go outside. Can you predict who’s the winner of the match and continue its journey to the quarterfinals?

FULL TIME: Congratulations, Bandung for winning this match! 🏆

Tangerang vs. Central Jakarta

Tangerang and Central Jakarta were the next one in line to compete each order to win this championship. Both regions have 17 areas that will be evaluated. From Tangerang squad, there are 11 areas, and 6 areas from Central Jakarta squad. Top scorer in this match came from Tangerang Squad, with Karangsari as an area with the highest concentration, with 64 µg/m³, followed by Panunggangan Utara, Ciakar, Tajur, and Cipadu from Tangerang.

For the fair play, we have Gondangdia as the area with lowest concentration of PM2.5, where the concentration is only around 32 µg/m³, followed by Mentent Teuku Umar, Wahid Hasyim, Menteng, where these 4 areas are located in Central Jakarta, but the last one in fair play is located in Tangerang, which is Cikokol, where its concentration is only 43 µg/m³.

It turns out that at 12 AM on 31st of August 2022 in Karangsari, Tangerang , the concentration of PM2.5 is really high, which its concentration is 196 µg/m³, which categorized as very unhealthy. But throughout 24 hours, at 26th of August 2022, Karangsari, Tangerang was also the area with highest concentration of PM2.5, with 125 µg/m³, which categorized as unhealthy. Well then, bye bye, Central Jakarta!

FULL TIME: Congratulations, Tangerang for winning this match! 🏆

Depok vs. Yogyakarta

Depok and Yogyakarta will be competing each other with 16 areas that will be evaluated in both areas. Who will win this match? Let’s find out! Out of 11 areas from Depok squad and 5 areas from Yogyakarta squad. It seems that our top scorers, all of them are from Depok, we have Cimanggis, Grogol, Bedahan, Tanah Baru, and Bojongsari Baru. Area with the highest concentration of PM2.5 in Depok is Cimanggis, which its concentration is 69 µg/m³.

When the top scorers are from Depok, the fair play is being dominated by Yogyakarta. Area with the lowest concentration of PM2.5 is Godean with 30 µg/m³, followed by Gondolayu, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sayidan, and Sorowajan.

This match belongs to Depok, because it was an easy win for Depok. If we take a look at both categories, the worst hourly and daily are dominated by Depok region, with Grogol as the lead for both categories. And surprisingly, on 31st of August 2022, Depok has the worst hourly concentration of PM2.5, the concentration reached 165 µg/m³ at 1 AM - 2 AM in Grogol, which are categorized as very unhealthy. While in terms of daily activities, the worst concentration of PM2.5 is located at Grogol on 26th of August 2022, which concentration is 105 µg/m³.

FULL TIME: Congratulations, Depok for winning this match! 🏆

East Jakarta vs. Semarang

East Jakarta and Semarang are the next match that will be observing. Here, we have 16 areas from both regions. And we will see, who will be our top scorer and act fair play? East Jakarta came with 11 areas, while Semarang came with 5 areas. Well it appeared that Cipinang Besar and Pulo Gadung from East Jakarta have the same concentration as Semarang Tengah with 37 µg/m³. But our focus is the top scorer, so it seems that East Jakarta is leading, because all of the top scorers were from East Jakarta, with Cibubur as area with the highest concentration of PM2.5, 67 µg/m³ which is equivalent to 95 cigarettes being smoked.

As we have mentioned before that Semarang Tengah, Pulo Gadung, and Cipinang Besar have the same concentration, which are 37 µg/m³, making them have a fair play, followed by Bongsari and Gunungpati from Semarang.

It seems that this match also belongs to one region, it means an easy win for East Jakarta. Because East Jakarta dominated both categories, the worst hourly and daily. For worst hourly concentration of PM2.5, Cipayung is dominating the chart, especially on 12 AM until 2 AM at 31st of August 2022, when the concentrations are around 170 - 174 µg/m³. But in terms of daily, Cibubur is the worst area to be, with the concentration of PM2.5 is about103 µg/m³. We guess you already know who wins this match!

FULL TIME: Congratulations, East Jakarta for winning this match! 🏆

West Jakarta vs. Bali

The last match in qualification is between West Jakarta and Bali. There will be 20 areas that will evaluated here, and we will find out who will be the last region that continues its journey to the quarterfinals. We have 17 areas from West Jakarta squad, and 3 areas from Bali squad. It’s obvious that West Jakarta will lead the top scorers chart. For the top scorers in this match, we have Kembangan Selatan, Semanan, Daan Mogot, Kedung Kali Angke, and Palmerah. Kembangan Selatan and Semanan are areas with the highest concentration of PM2.5, which both concentrations area 63 µg/m³ and 62 µg/m³ which are equivalent to 87 cigarettes being smoked, making them unhealthy areas, while the rest are unhealthy for sensitive groups.

Bali is doing fair play, those 3 areas are areas with the lowest concentration of PM2.5, their concentrations are 12 µg/m³, 13 µg/m³, and 22 µg/m³, making those areas as moderate. The other two are Green Ville and Taman Sari from West Jakarta, which both concentrations of PM2.5 are 36 µg/m³.

Now we are going to look at how the concentration of PM2.5 during daily and hourly activities. From the hourly rank, we have Duri Kepa and Semanan from West Jakarta who lead the chart. The highest concentration of PM2.5 is at 9 AM on 1st August 2022 in Duri Kepa, West Jakarta, which is 178 µg/m³. While for daily activities, it seems that Kembang, West Jakarta on 26th of August 2022 has the worst concentration of PM2.5, which is 138 µg/m³. Final words, West Jakarta will be the last region that continues to the quarterfinals for Nafas AQ Championship 2022.

FULL TIME: Congratulations, West Jakarta for winning this match! 🏆

Qualification Stage: Final Results

In this qualification stage, there are 8 regions that have been eliminated, and 8 regions that will compete to each other on the quarterfinals. Marching on to the next round for South Tangerang, Bogor, Bekasi, Bandung, Tangerang, Depok, East Jakarta, and West Jakarta!