Mighty Minds Preschool, First Clean Air Zone Certified School in Indonesia


Kezia Grace





English / Indonesia

Mighty Minds Preschool, working with Nafas Indonesia, officially became the first school in Indonesia to use real time air quality ecosystem data to protect the health of its pupils inside the classroom.

During the press conference on March 1st, they introduced Clean Air Zone, an integrated data-based ecosystem developed by Nafas that is capable of safeguarding air cleanliness by identifying air pollution inside classrooms and automatically purifying the air.

Air pollution in Jakarta in 2022 was about eight times higher than World Health Organization Guideline Standard

“Air pollution in Jakarta in 2022 was almost eight times higher than the reference issued by the World Health Organization and many still do not realize that air pollution is also present indoors. Only with clear air quality data can we provide a healthy environment, especially for our children.”

Piotr Jakubowski, Co-Founder and Chief Growth Officer Nafas Indonesia 

Indoor and outdoor air pollution continue to be a problem that has escaped public attention, Data collected from more than Nafas’ 120 air quality sensors across the Greater Jakarta Area showed a PM2.5 content level that was way above, reaching 11 times the reference threshold issued by the World Health Organization.

Research conducted by Nafas has also shown that almost 100 percent of outdoor air pollution can spread indoors too.

Children are among groups that are vulnerable to the impacts of air pollution. According to dr. Farhan Zubedi, MP2.5 particles posed a latent danger to the health of children and one of the most frequently found impacts are the symptoms of asthma, influenza, ADHD, and obesity in children.

“Ensuring good air quality, especially where children spend a lot of time such as classrooms, libraries and also in bedrooms must receive the full attention of teachers and parents. This will affect the growth of children, especially in their cognitive skill.”

dr. Farhan Zubedi, Doctor and Digital Health Influencer

Aware of the importance of learning environments with good air quality to the growth of children, Mighty Minds Preschool has turned 11 classrooms and the library into Clean Air Zones.

Children are studying in one of the classrom at Mighty Minds Preschool Hang Tuah that has become a Clean Air Zone.

The Clear Air Zone measures air quality in all rooms every minute and then displays the data in the dashboard. This ecosystem is connected with a cloud database so that Nafas can immediately act when any abnormality in air quality data is detected.

Indoor air quality data inside Mighty Minds Hang Tuah classroom.

“Mighty Minds understands the importance of good air quality inside and outside classrooms for the growth of children. To ensure that they can grow well, we are proud to have been able to cooperate with Nafas in providing safe and healthy classrooms indoors and outdoors through the integrated system of Clean Air Zone in the past six months.”

Lillie Kurniawan, Co-Founder Mighty Minds

Cognizant of the importance of a balance between indoor and outdoor learning for children, Mighty Minds also just now initiated an Outdoor Playtime policy, using data from the Nafas application that can show real time air quality. Whenever the equipment identifies “unhealthy” air quality (With a PM2.5 level of > 55µg/m3) the children will continue their activities indoors.

From left-right: dr. Farhan Zubedi, Piotr Jakubowski, Fenny Suryanto & Nathan Roestandy

“As a father, I understand the importance of a healthy environment for children, including air quality. An Ecosystem such as Clean Air Zone represents an easy step to ensure a healthy air quality indoors through the use of real time data, analysis and a transparent automated system. It allows a healthy air without having to think about it,” said Piotr.

He added that the collaboration between Nafas and Mighty Minds represented  an initial step that is hoped to have a big impact and will inspire more schools in Indonesia to commit to the provision of learning spaces that have good air quality for their students.

Besides the Mighty Minds Preschool in Hang Tuah, other locations such as Mighty Minds Kemang, Mighty Minds Menteng, Breathe Studio, Bumi Pilates, Mood Studio, Tindik, DOOspace, Gowlab, Hustle House, Pace Performance, Toma Studio, Union Yoga, Boenga Nails, Dandelion, and Studio K, were officially certified with Clean Air Zone.

Learn more about Clean Air Zone here: nafas.co.id/cleanairzone.

⚠️ Update you Nafas app to enjoy this new feature and explore Clean Air Zone locations in Jakarta!

🔗 Selected news coverage about Clean Air Zone and air quality in Jakarta:

  • Be cautious of air pollution in Jabodetabek which spreads into the room — Kompas.id
  • Turns out, pollution in Tangerang Selatan is worse than Jakarta — Kompas.com
  • Clean Air Zone: Protects work and study environment with data — National Geographic Indonesia
  • Air pollution can cause ADHD to obesity in children — Viva.co.id
  • Mighty Minds Preschool implements a school with Clean Air Zone — Merahputih.com
  • Impact of poor air quality on children can cause ADHD — Popmama.com
  • Seven ways to protect the health of children and families from poor air quality — Popmama.com
  • Air quality in Jakarta is far from WHO recommendations — idntimes